We protect the lives of those above, so they may protect the freedoms of those below.
Specializing in M250 Engine Overhaul, Repair, and Sales
What We Do

Engine Shop
Experience the power of excellence, where our unwavering commitment to quality ensures ensures the ongoing reliability of your M250 engines.

Machine Shop
Our machine shop is a center of excellence, bringing an exceptional experience to all our customers and functional expertise to every product.

Accessory Shop
A full range of repair and overhaul capabilities ensure every component receives the same exceptional quality as their engines.

Accessory Testing
All accessories are fully bench tested to ensure test limits are met as well as meeting our own quality standards.

Test Cell
Our state-of-the-art test cell provides both functional and performance testing for M250 series gas turbine engines, ensuring our commitment to delivering reliable engines that perform and remain on wing.

Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
At H.E.R.O.S., we offer two types of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), including both Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection (FPI).
Why the M250

At H.E.R.O.S. Inc., we take immense pride in being masters of the M250 engine. Our expertise and proficiency in this specific engine stem from years of dedicated focus, technical knowledge, and hands-on experience.
Our mastery of the M250 engine is a result of our experience, technical knowledge, training, collaborative partnerships, customer-centric approach, commitment to continuous improvement, and top-notch facilities. With these factors in place, we are well-equipped to provide superior services and support to our customers, solidifying our reputation as masters of the M250 engine.

Who We Serve

Law Enforcement
H.E.R.O.S. Inc. understands the unique needs and challenges faced by Law Enforcement and is committed to providing specialized services and solutions tailored to meet those requirements.

H.E.R.O.S. Inc. serves the Agriculture niche by offering comprehensive repair and overhaul services for the M250 engine, which is widely used in agricultural applications.

Civilian Operators
H.E.R.O.S. Inc. serves the Civilian Operators niche by providing top-notch repair and overhaul services for the M250 engine, which is widely utilized by civilian operators in various applications.